Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Are Titles Necessary?

What defines a relationship? The title or the people within it? Because people fail to consider this question is where the battle truly comes from. Thats what a title does right? Define a relationship? So why are so many people afraid to come out and define the relationships for which they are in? My answer: Responsibility. With a title, comes the responsibility for which that title possess.

The generation we live in have become so complacent and at ease with just going with the flow. They
feel the same for relationships they are. "It is what it is", "We don't need to define this", "Titles messes things up" are all phrases used to counteract a partner's need for a definition of what the two posses between themselves. And why is this? I simply feel it is because people are simply afraid of the responsibility of possessing a title. Honestly, it is not even the title that ruin things. The expectations people have once a title is placed is what causes the issues.

So....whats the person of a title anyway? One word: Security. People, me included, like to know what they are getting into, what they need to expect, and how to react to certain situations. If we're just friends, we're just friends. But if we are involved, we are not just friends. We're not "just cool" or "just hanging out." Inviting the term "boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, etc." comes with being seclusive, commitment, and security.

If things have evolved to a certain level and a partner is convinced that its time to define things, and the other should not, what to do here? Honestly, the answer to the necessity of titles belongs to the people who decide to engage in a relationship. If the two are both happy, then that is on them. Most
times the requirement of a title comes from trying to prove something to society and the people around us. At the end of the day, do whats comfortable for YOU. Look at Oprah, she's been with her mate Stedman for over 20 years and have proclaimed she will never be married. Her mate Stedman is okay with it, and their happy. Isn't that all that matters?

To each its own. 
[It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues”
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues
It may not be titles that causes the issues in relationships] It’s the change that occurs in individuals because of their perspective on what the title means that causes issues

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