Friday, November 29, 2013

He Say, She Say, What do WE say?

Gossip. We've all done it, experienced it, and have been affected by it. My junior year of high school I even did a documentary on it. It really takes a toll on relationships and the people in it. Friendships and romantic relationships already has trials within the two people, add the hearsay of others and that is when things get really complicated.

It can be really trying to maintain a personal relationship when outsiders have so many things to say about it. And when you hear things, do you jump to conclusions or try to work things out? It really depends on the subject and severity of the gossip that one hears that determines the reaction. Did your friends tell you they saw your significant other with someone else? Was this someone else a person you know you do not want them around? Or did you hear that your friend is talking about you behind your back? Was information spread something you know you only told them?

People will always talk. None of us can help it. It happens. Things come up, and sometimes things slip. At the time you say things, most of the time it doesn't seem that bad. Run it thru the rumor mill several times and it gets ugly. Always remember to *woosahh* and take it to the person. If it is someone you trust, you shouldn't let talk of others get in the way of it. Address the situation calm and collected and make sure you get facts right before jumping to conclusions. And do this as soon as possible. The longer you let things fester, the longer you feel some type of way about it.

So many friendships and relationships are ruined by gossip. If it means anything to you, do what you need to to solve the problem.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What About Your Friends?

We love our friends. Our friends love us. They are the ones in we trust and continuously look to for approval and agreement. They are mostly likely always around us and the ones who have the most influence on us. So what happens when your significant other does not approve of your friends? And what happens when your friends do not get along with your significant other?

This is a dilemma known to many and solved by few. It really is an interesting concept to consider. On each side you have two people that you care for dearly. Of course you would want the most important people in your life to get along right? I believe the situation to this problem is unique to each situation.

One must come to terms with why they do not get along. If it is something as simple as miscommunication between the two, then a fix is order. If it is something more complicated, like a more detailed history between the two, then you would have to come to realization that the conflict has nothing to do with you.

Have you ever been in a situatio
n where your S.O. and your friend(s) did not get along? If so, what was the issue and what did you do to fix it? Were you even able to fix it? How did you handle the conflict?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Is Chivalry Dead?

This question had been posed so many times in today's society, has chivalry died? If so, who killed it? I have a outlook on both these questions.

Chivalry in its rawest definition: The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

These days, young men seemed to have lost site of the aspect of "courting." They want sexual
relations as soon as they can get and cannot even fathom why they must but effort into getting it. Opening doors, actually getting to know someone, paying for dates, etc. are not event expected anymore. If a girl gets all of that, kudos to them, but its not in the requirements. But why is that?

I do not believe that chivalry is dead, I just believe it is on the verge of extinction. Who is killing it off? In my honest opinion, females are. What most females have yet to understand is a guy will do all that you allow him to do. If you raise your standards and expectations, a man will have to rise up to meet them. If you accept what they offer, even if you know you are worth more, you are agreeing that that is what you deserve.

They say every girl wants their knight in shining armor, but that's not all the way true. Every girl just wants to be treated like the world. But it is up to them to demand the respect they utterly crave. If chivalry is ever to make the immense comeback it deserves, it is truly up to women to recognize the need for them bring it back.

Monday, November 11, 2013

What is Loyalty?

  1. A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection
  2. A feeling of faithfulness or allegiance
Contemplating on these definitions, how can one be truly loyal? Loyalty has always been a big issue in any relationship, whether friendship, romantic, or business. People have their own definitions of
loyalty, as well with their own portrayals on how it should be. So if loyalty is different to everyone, how can one live up to them all? And how you can expect someone to live up to a standard you yourself does not hold.

Growing up I was known as a "social butterfly," meaning that I just floated to each group/clique. I never really had one of my own. It was a given that some groups did not like each other, with whatever reason they had. I was never in tuned with the "hate by association" thing that seemed to be so popular. I believed in loyalty, yes, but I did not feel that it was necessary to dislike someone simply because my friend did. Some may disagree, and say loyalty means we have the same enemies. 

So in dealing with relationships of the friendship and romantic variety, whats constitutes disloyalty? Cheating, backstabbing, breaking of trust, etc.....sounds about right. But here's a question that I never got an answer to: Can you have two people in your life, who do not care for each other, and be loyal to both? Do you have to choose between the two to be truly loyal? 

The way I always dealt with this situation is simple: when I am with one, we do not speak on the other. How I mean this is: its A-Okay if you do not like my other friend, but you WILL NOT sit there and disrespect them in front of me, we will even even speak about them if you have nothing positive to say. That is how I define my loyalty. No one should feel comfortable blatantly disrespecting someone who you are close to. My Thoughts.

I do feel that some people take the loyalty to the EXTREMES. And this cause strife in certain situations. But all in all, loyalty is important in life, love, and relationships.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Is Love Color Blind?

About half of Americans have said they have dated someone of the opposite race. While current generation is becoming more and more accepting of interracial couples, the pool of people dating interracially is uneven.

What factors determine whether or not someone would date someone not in their race? Well, the race of the individual is the the prevalent factor. The most least likely couple match is blacks and whites. Latinos and Asians are the most likely to engage in an interracial relationship. Studies show that youth from higher income families are less likely to date the opposite sex. This same statistic is reversed in Latinos. Better-off Latinos are more likely to interracially date than less affluent Latinos.

A majority of the people who are willing to interracially date are products of interracial love themselves. While its being more accepted, a lot of them rarely feel comfortable showing PDA in public. It is also more less likely that the relationship will end in marriage. Even with that statistic, interracial marriages are increasing.

I feel like America is a melting pot, and that is how it should be. Stigmas on interracial dating are highest in America while other cultures do not care as much. People should love love, not try to discredit it based off race. I support it. I endorse it. I embrace it.One should be comfortable with someone if they are in love. Love should be colorblind. Because Love is Love.